3ROBOFX.ZIP 8,149 12-18-93 3 Robo/FX Logon screens for your BBSBy Dominic Cotignola, Our House BBS
3WNLDCD.ZIP 5,407 01-03-94 *DWNLDCD.PPE* version 1.0 - Dated: 1/3/93A PPE that makes a FULL SCREEN downloadcounter that displays the filename,filesize, and transfer info about thelast ten files flagged for download.This PPE does not show the
A-ICNS.ZIP 25,395 12-28-93 Over 80 RIP Icons beginning with letter "A"
A2R103.ZIP 17,209 06-22-93 A2R v1.0; Ansi to Rip conversion utility.Converts ANSI screens to RIP format for usewith new RIP standard terminals. Fullyfunctional user supported software
AASS204.ZIP 161,025 10-06-93 View/Manage Ansi/Avt Screens. Will play AnsiMusic.
AD-GRAPH.ZIP 74,058 09-14-93 Adult Menu's in Rip from Graphics Unlimited
ADICONS1.ZIP 39,138 06-15-93 Various original .ICN for use with RIP.
AI30B.ZIP 101,681 10-30-93 AUTOICON V3.0bCOM1-15, NonStd IRQ, Fossil Support!RIP BBSes can now have their callersdownload new icon sets automatically!Even puts the icons into the properdiretory on the callers hard drive!Transparent To Non-RI
AIEDOOR.ZIP 4,071 12-02-93 Pop-up pick list RIP Door Menu from AIE
AIEMENU.ZIP 4,415 10-28-93 Windows-style drop down RIP menus, WC 3.9
AIR202.ZIP 128,569 11-17-93 --==AIR 2.02 - Ansi-In-Rip==--Wrap your BBS system messages in greatlooking RIP window frames. Two commandline modes, and an interactive mode.Configurable Sysop message in frame, 10pre-drawn frames available.
AIRRIP.ZIP 3,115 10-10-93 Good Collection of Icon-less RIP Graphicscreens for SpitFire BBS, 2 Welcome Screensand one Door Screen.
ANIPRO11.ZIP 84,138 11-22-93 ANIMATE PRO v1.10 isa new utility forRobo/FX & FXdrawIt easily animatesICON, MONDO, & BITtext. For the latestversion call 20thCentury BBS612 574-1031 (node1)612 574-1896 (node2)
ANS2AT10.ZIP 30,680 09-08-93 ANS2AT v1.0; This program will translate ANSscreens (*.ANS) to the @-code format forTriBBS 5.x.
ANSIMAP2.ZIP 2,297 12-01-93 LinkInfo: AnsiNet systems in Zone 2
ASRTANS.ZIP 68,530 12-25-93 An excellent assortment of ANSI graphicscreens from a variety of sources.
ASRTICNS.ZIP 13,496 01-01-94 An excellent assortment of RIP graphicButtons and Icons from a variety of sources.
ASRTRIPS.ZIP 33,500 01-01-94 An excellent assortment of RIP graphicscreens from a variety of sources.
BASE36.ZIP 11,898 07-01-93 Base36 v1.2 TSR Convert decimal <> meganums
CBBSSTAT.ZIP 3,395 08-02-93 The Confederate Stat Screen v3.2 For Wildcat3.9! This is a continuation of theConfederate Stat Screen. These 2 screens aredone to show you my potential to createscreens of various type in ANSI & the new RI(Graphica
CCAT4RIP.ZIP 17,498 07-21-93 Humorous RIP Scene from CCAT BBS, Could thishappen to you?
CD_ROM.ZIP 1,556 12-29-93 RIP Screen of CD-ROM
CHARLIE.ZIP 9,507 08-20-93 Charlie announces WinRIP! - WinRIP ripgraphic ad'
CMENUS_2.ZIP 2,494 10-29-93 Sample .BBS style Menus for Wildcat v3.9x+
CNFNRIP2.ZIP 63,140 06-24-93 CNFNRIP Creates ripscripts for CNFNR from thCNAMES file. A screen or multi screens arecreated WITHOUT the need for RIPAINT. WithRipaint the same screens took several hoursto do what, this does it in Minutes. My user
CSKPAINT.ZIP 113,607 06-29-93 Cheap Rip Paint program with save and editin
CSV-RIP.ZIP 2,974 08-23-93 Menu screens made with Tombstone Artist .101
D-ICNS.ZIP 19,948 01-02-94 70+ Rip Icns beginning with the Letter "D"
DANSIPIC.ZIP 98,236 07-21-93 Color Ansi Collection 'D'.
DATS39.ZIP 98,922 08-09-93 These are a set of 4 Wctext and Wctextr's foWildCat v3.9
DAYSLEFT.ZIP 15,472 12-17-93 Make CLR/BBS/RIP screen days till Christmas
DDPAIN30.ZIP 279,299 12-11-93 =) Dead Paint Ver. 3.0 shareware (=The easy to use and easy to own RIPpaint program is back UNCRIPPLED,and it's packed with features!≡ Objects Copy/Paste/Delete/Move≡ All draw tools ≡ Button/Icon≡ Full buttons st
DIRLST21.ZIP 42,589 10-02-93 Custom File Area Screen Generator v2.1; FileScreen maker of File Directories for TriBBS'"Change File Area Screens." 15 differentcolors; File area numbers can be one colorwhile Descriptions can be another). Choice o2
FREEMENU.ZIP 1,464 01-12-94 Sample Main Menu in RIP using WC Defaults
FX2DAY11.ZIP 193,851 12-26-93 *FXtoday Ver1.1* From Jem Softwarecreates TFX, Ansi & Asci screensof birthdays, historical eventsand celebrations for each day.Meant to be run as an event.Can be used on Robo /FX or anyBbs supporting Ansi/Asci.
FXCOLORS.ZIP 11,577 12-25-93 Color chart of RoboBoard F/X colors
G-ICNS.ZIP 14,448 01-04-94 40+ Rip Icns begininng with the letter "G"
GANSIPIC.ZIP 68,982 07-21-93 Color Ansi Collection 'G'.
GARFIEL8.ZIP 3,169 12-29-93 RIP screen of Garfield cartoon
GARF_RIP.ZIP 8,298 08-23-93 A couple of nice RIP graphics screens ofGARFIELD - for those who are into this fellawho use your RIP capable BBS and who arethemselves RIP capable.
GD_CLOWN.ZIP 135,604 11-30-93 Grafix Design "Clown Rip Menu Preview"
GICONS-1.ZIP 82,974 07-06-93 Mics. ICONs Like Pinochio, Spidey, Airplane,Samurai, boat, 486 PC... for RIP
GICONS-2.ZIP 9,117 07-06-93 More Cars of ICONs Colletcion for RIP
GICONS-3.ZIP 8,250 07-06-93 Ghostbuster ICONs for RIP
GICONS-4.ZIP 16,735 07-06-93 More ICONs Like Madonna, Mulata Girl andDon't Panic Logo.
GICONS-5.ZIP 91,994 07-17-93 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
GICONS-6.ZIP 116,082 07-17-93 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
GICONS-7.ZIP 115,977 07-18-93 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
GICONS-8.ZIP 114,969 07-17-93 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
GICONS-9.ZIP 27,865 07-23-93 Collection of New ICONs for RIP
GLIST32.ZIP 40,779 09-29-93 Guest List v3.2; Creates color 3D bulletins!(WILDCAT!3.x) Selectively Display 1-90Callers; Outputs 3D Color using Wildcat! 3.xDisplay Codes; Displays Callers Name,Location, Time On, and Baud Rate; Notifies oLost Car
GOODRIPS.ZIP 3,808 08-29-93 These are functional rip screens that lookgreat and work great. Included is a text filfor those who would like me to make Ripscreens to fit their board.
GRNEW.ZIP 433,382 09-11-93 Icons for Glory Road BBS, Great D&D BBS.Tons of the buggers!
GWHQPR20.ZIP 10,445 12-16-93 GWHQ PRO v2.0 Wildcat Prompt File Changer anUtility. This clever utility allows you tochange the color(s) of any of the Wildcat v3Prompt files. Those files would include:WCTEXT.DAT - WCTEXTR.DAT - TCTEXT.DATTCTEXT
HALLORIP.ZIP 77,449 09-20-93 Complete set of Halloween RIP Menus fromGrafix Design.
HANSIPIC.ZIP 63,095 07-21-93 Color Ansi Collection 'H'.
HELLORIP.ZIP 33,613 07-17-93 Write a companion .RIP file to any .BBS or.SCR file which is constantly changing due tsome programs making a HELLOxx.BBS (SCR) orBULLxx.BBS (SCR) after they are run.
I2R_V100.ZIP 141,244 01-04-94 Icon2Robo v_1.00 Shareware Converts WindowsIcons to RoboFX Icon Libraries. View windowsICO Files from environment or from thecommand line. View RoboFX Icon Libraries frothe environment as well as the command line.
IANSIPIC.ZIP 76,407 07-21-93 Color Ansi Collection 'I'.
ICEPACKZ.ZIP 439,966 10-14-93 Large Collection Of Ansi & Ice Files &Viewers
ICUPD263.ZIP 523,375 12-09-93 ░▒▒▓▓ IconUpDater v 2.63 w/RIP ▓▓▒▒░Force callers to use RIPgraoghics!!!!!Supports ANSI & RIP custom screens @-codes.This the ULTIMATE Icon UpDater Door! Thisthing is so packed with options you wouldn'tbelieve it.f
ISRIP.ZIP 10,801 08-04-93 How to implement a graphical DOOR menu withWildcat 3.9. Util returns errorlevel for RIPcaller or non-RIP. Includes sample doors.RIPmenu and batch files.
I_ICNS.ZIP 15,505 01-14-94 30+ Rip Icns not available before begininngwith the letter "I".
KANSIPIC.ZIP 24,779 07-21-93 Color Ansi Collection 'K'.
KN301.ZIP 64,082 07-25-93 KATNEWS! v3.01; RIP! Newsletter Creator forWildcat! v3.90 Systems. including mousesupport, and a full- screen editor fornewsletter creation!
KP_BASE.ZIP 2,232 07-20-93 Set of base rip menus, background and titleyou add rest
KSTEIN.ZIP 0,794 08-23-93 Good example of a PCBoard Menu
LAST10.ZIP 7,761 01-14-94 Last 10 v1.1a Animated RIP Last 10 callers
LIABICON.ZIP 90,696 09-24-93 Icons needed for Lightning in a Bottle BBS
LICN0100.ZIP 32,357 08-06-93 LOGINICN v01.00; Download RIP icons at LoginLet your users download your RIP icons atlogin, without having to search file areas obulletins to find the icon file name. Nowworks for any BBS system that uses a DOOR.SY.
LITEMENU.ZIP 3,775 07-08-93 Some decent sample RIP menus!
LSTRIP11.ZIP 36,359 10-31-93 SF Last Ten RIP Creation! v1.1.Creates A Nice RIP Display OfThe Last Ten Callers. Freeware!Now with Security Blocking.
LTHOUSE.ZIP 2,714 07-16-93 RIP screen of a lighthouse
LVPG_ALL.ZIP 154,152 07-20-93 Collection of rip graphics Icons
MAINMNU2.ZIP 1,090 09-13-93 Main Menu in RIP w/Wildcat defaults and@-Codes built in.
MAXMEN01.ZIP 39,936 12-11-93 Maximus Menus generator for Ansi/Rip Menus
MCLIP22.ZIP 48,802 09-29-93 MegaClip v2.2: Screen Clipping Utility.Supports standard EGA/VGA and SVGA modes.Open/Save PCX, BMP, and RIP icon files.Archive also contains a catalog of the latesshareware titles from Blueview Software.Requires EGA
MENUBUTT.ZIP 4,199 07-26-93 Set of RIP Menus (ready to run) From Grafix
MERIP.ZIP 16,400 12-03-93 ╓──[ Midnight Escape BBS ]────────────────╖║ These are a few of the RIP Menu ║║ Screens used on Midnight Escape BBS. ║║ ║╙─────────────────────────────────────────╜
MIRIP105.ZIP 177,159 12-19-93 █▓▒░ MI-RIP Graphics Script Editor 1.05 ░▒▓█Edit the RIP scripts being used on severalBulletin Board Systems now. Allows you toload, edit, and save your script files. Theprogram is WildCat! smart for some of their
MOUSIE2.ZIP 4,026 12-29-93 RIP screen of two mice playing
MP-RIP.ZIP 1,207 07-11-93 2 RIP screens actually made with DeadPaint!
MYRIPS.ZIP 6,819 08-06-93 16 RIP Screens, Good Collection!
NEATNESS.ZIP 6,518 09-30-93 RIP Graphic Screen Examples, Use or Edit
NEWDOOR.ZIP 19,437 09-25-93 Icons for Door Menu on Glory Road BBS
NEWFONTS.ZIP 45,974 10-16-93 Fixes Mondo Fonts that did not fill properlySimply Unzip them in your C:\ROBOFX\FXDRAWdirectory.
NEWSMKR1.ZIP 21,666 12-05-93 RoboBoard FX Logon news maker screen(s)
ODY1.ZIP 2,074 12-29-93 RIP screen of Ody the dog cartoon
PBPM_10A.ZIP 15,632 08-05-93 PCBBLTPM v1.00a; Create a Multi-Page BLTx MENU for any one of your conferences. It's very fast and simple to setup. Works great with bulletin board systems that have a lot of bulletins available for viewing.
PCB15PPL.ZIP 1,804 08-26-93 BOXER Color Syntax Config for PCBoard v15 PPThis file contains color syntax highlightinginformation allowing the BOXER Text Editor thighlight reserved words, comments, constantand symbols for the new PCBoard "PPL" sc
QRIPIT10.ZIP 110,404 12-20-93 ░▒▓Quik-RIPIT v1.0!▓▒░ The Hottest RIPscreen generator EVER for a BBS! It'squick, easy, and makes awesome screensfor you, either manually or on auto-pilot! Best of all, it's CHEAP atonly $10.00! Download it and c
RANDANS2.ZIP 48,739 09-09-93 RandANSI v2.0; Easy to use program allowssysops to randomize their Login or logoffscreens. It now supports .ANS, .ASC, .AVT,and .RIP Gives your BBS a new look every tima user logs n.
RD100.ZIP 31,052 11-28-93 RipDoor v1.0 - reset text window & more
RIP-N-FX.ZIP 21,454 12-12-93 How to Use RoboBoard/FX and RIP together
RIP-VTG.ZIP 76,934 01-09-94 RIP SCREENS; 81 Nice Looking Screens ExampleFor Use With RIP Spitfire BBS
RIPC101.ZIP 23,423 08-16-93 RIPC v1.01; Ansi to RIP screen converter
RIPCONV.ZIP 3,102 07-04-93 .BBS to .RIP conversion
RIPEZ15.ZIP 14,611 08-21-93 Convert your ansi files to Rip graphics.
RIPFIRE.ZIP 10,956 10-25-93 RIPFire Info Packet; The Painless Way To RIPYour SF BBS! Inexpensive, Good Rip ScreenSETS For Your SpitFire BBS.
RIPICONS.ZIP 152,542 12-23-93 550 RIP icons not available before
RIPIT18.ZIP 91,602 12-02-93 ░▒▓ RIPIT! v1.8 ▓▒░ The fastest and easiestway to produce a superb RIP screen from anexisting file! This version will produce 81different RIP styles (more coming!). Thisversion added more styles and increased thepr
RIPIV200.ZIP 223,121 08-31-93 The RIP Icon Verifier v2.0; Detect if usersneed to download your BBS RIP Icons
RIPLIST1.ZIP 49,363 10-19-93 RIPList v1.0; RIPList is a utility to helpdebug RIP script file. It simply outputs afile that contains the extented textdescription of the commands in each line andlists there parameters or arguments.
RIPMAINA.ZIP 1,697 06-07-93 Here is a ripscript main board menu used atAbject Poverty BBS. Easy to change to yourboard name.
RIPMECCA.ZIP 45,742 07-30-93 RIP Graphics Mecca Menus For Maximus BBS
RIPMNUS.ZIP 47,245 12-13-93 RIP Sample Menus for TRIBBS
RIPSK101.ZIP 114,784 11-29-93 RIP Sketch v1.01 - Easy to use RIPscripdrawing program for creating online RIPgraphics. Includes support for all thelevel-0 RIPscrip commands plus icons,clipboard, mouse regions and more! Thisversion includes more
RIPSRNS.ZIP 3,153 09-09-93 Set of 5 Excellent RIP Scenes
RIPSS100.ZIP 146,854 12-21-93 -= RIP Slide Show v1.0 =-The Ultimate RIP Door for viewing MultipleRIPscreens. Offers a 40 RIP file database.Includes a menu driven, easy setup program.Easily import Pre-Config'd RIP databases,with an easy and time
RIVICONS.ZIP 92,114 08-08-93 All Icons for the Rivendell BBS-BEST RIPGRAPHICS IN KANSAS!
ROBO2RIP.ZIP 33,576 08-11-93 Use these RIP Icons to make your BBS looklike a ROBO BBS
RRIPIT13.ZIP 25,527 08-21-93 RBBS RIP Text Window Formatter v1.3; Thislittle gem takes any text file and imports iinto a RIPScript display complete withconfigurable icons, mouse field commands,colors, fonts, text, and more. Great forcreating RI
RV101.ZIP 40,577 09-21-93 RIPView v1.01; Automatically detect RIPScripGraphics and will show the user up to 20screens. RIPView will display ASCII, ANSI anRIPScrip screens. RIPView also supportsLanguages. RIPView supports the followingdrop fi
SFAZ100.ZIP 9,291 12-14-93 SFANSIZIP v1.0; ZIP the importantC:\SF\DISPLAY files and move the ZIP file toa directory for safe keeping. A must for ALLSF Sysops. Run as an event or from the DOSPrompt. "Low Dough" Registration!
SFMU21.ZIP 19,099 12-24-93 SF MULTI v2.1; An easy fast and foolproof wato rotate your welcome display files for SF
SFPLANE.ZIP 3,191 10-03-93 RIP screen made using Tombstone Artist. Itis based on the picture on the cover of the3.4 supplement document!
SFRIPASK.ZIP 45,339 10-14-93 SFRIPASK v1.0; Unique program which will helyour users make sure they have your RIP(Remote Imaging Protocol) based ICON fileswhen they log on your SPITFIRE BBS.
SHWRIP30.ZIP 98,885 09-12-93 ShowRip v3.0; Use to view RIP files. Optionsallow you to: Step thru file; Shows the RIPcommand at bottom of screen; Delay for xxxmilliseconds between commands.
SOMERIPS.ZIP 144,151 08-24-93 A collection of Ripscreens, Good
SPECIAL.ZIP 14,854 11-17-93 Self Executing ad for Special-E-FeX BBS
SPIT_RIP.ZIP 2,022 10-09-93 RIP screen of a Spitfire WWII AirplaneGreat for SpitFire BBS's
STARWARS.ZIP 1,689 08-24-93 RIP, Super StarDestroyer and the DeathStar
STYMAG.ZIP 9,705 11-12-93 STY Magazine Ad as RoboBoard FX Screen
SWPSCRN.ZIP 14,862 10-01-93 SWPSCRN v1.04; SF Utility to swap any or allof your SF screens. Supports RIP Also swapsBMP's and WAV files in Windows
TART150.ZIP 163,570 09-04-93 TombStone Artist v1.50; Full-Featured RIPpaint program for creating Rip Scriptgraphics for BBS use. Supports Bezier CurvesArcs, Copy and Paste, along with standardpaint commands. With TA, a sysop can createexcellent
TCRIP.ZIP 5,220 09-13-93 Define/use mouse buttons in Tomcat and textbased bulletins
TECHQUST.ZIP 14,417 08-06-93 RIP Screen from TechQuest On-Line BBS
THEBOOK.ZIP 2,340 07-01-93 RIP Screen...Looks Like the Wildcat 3.60Manual!
TOMBDOOR.ZIP 2,084 09-05-93 RIP Door Menu - Made With Tombart PaintProgram
TRANS201.ZIP 229,469 08-11-93 Version 2.01 Now WildCat v3.9 and RIPcompatible! The prompts included will notwork with previous versions of Wildcat. 2.01now includes a utility called MAKERIP.EXEthat will ask you a few questions and createa fairly
TRICON01.ZIP 2,860 09-11-93 RIP Screens For TriBBS 5.0. Drawn WithRIPaint And Includes ICONS! Main, File &Message.
TRIRIP01.ZIP 3,645 09-07-93 TriBBS 5.0 RIPscript Screens. Drawn WithRIPaint FOR TriBBS Sysops! Main,Message,File. 2 Security Levels; New User &Verified.
TRISL10.ZIP 15,914 07-29-93 Tribbs Utility - Generates a Who Called TodaBulletin or Logon screen.
TSC_SCRN.ZIP 21,695 09-09-93 Menu Screen from Software Connection BBS
TTSRIP.ZIP 14,816 08-06-93 This is a collection of RIP MENUS for usewith WILDCAT 3.90 BBSes. Also included areANSI screens along the same lines, for theANSI part of the board!
UNREG.ZIP 123,797 11-02-93 Weather v2.11 RIP Bulletin maker with icons
VWGIF20.ZIP 36,199 11-26-93 VIEWGIF v2.0 - SysOp Utility for Viewing fillocally. Put right in you current VIEWCOMP.BViewGIF will automatically detect when useron locally and call User Defined viewer by textension of the file name. Remote users
WCINFV11.ZIP 1,788 11-27-93 WCINFv1.1 - System and User Info. Screen forWCINF.BBS is a System and User information sdesigned for WildCat BBS's using the @-codeRename this file to the appropriate HELLOx.Bor BULLx.BBS screen and place in the appr
WHATRIP.ZIP 1,512 09-25-93 Goofy RIP Graphic To Show Color Palette
WILDSL34.ZIP 34,725 10-12-93 WildStats/Call Log v3.04! @Color & RIPdisplay files! The best is even better now!WildStats will generate an @Color codeddisplay, a RIP display detailing who calledyour system for the day, PLUS a detailedlisting of w
WLDMENUS.ZIP 6,325 12-15-93 Sample Menus .BBS used on The WildConn BBS
WMERIP.ZIP 1,733 08-19-93 WORLD MESSAGE EXCHANGE... RIP Logon Screen.Tells Callers Your Board Carries WME. DrawnWith Tombstone RIP painting Program. Use &Modify As You Like.
WMFRIP.ZIP 12,447 10-20-93 Windows Meta File WMF to RIP Converter
XPMENUS.ZIP 10,544 11-21-93 RoboBoard Screens & Menus for Silver Express